
We want to run a good old Parish Mission, but with a difference

Why a Parish Mission?

Many parishes are used to the idea of having a parish mission, but few see them as an opportunity to raise up lay leaders from within the parish.

The problem is that a one-off event is only as good as the preparation beforehand, and only as fruitful as the groundwork put in place for after the event. Therefore, our biggest dream is to partner with a parish to prepare 6 months before and 6 months after the mission to effect real and lasting fruits.

Before the Mission

  • To work with the parish for 6 months and to meet at least once a month with a group of 5-15 volunteers from the parish who will form a mission team.
  • To provide the mission team with training, resources and pray with them to help them grow in their journey as a disciplemaker.
  • To train the mission team how to encourage others in the parish to invite their friends and family, as well as providing detailed agendas and actions points to prepare practically for the mission.
  • To prepare the mission team to look beyond the mission to what comes after the mission and how they can capitalise on the enthusiasm of the event to effect a real cultural shift within the parish.

The Mission

  • The theme of the retreat is ‘Life to the full’ and is a dynamic and engaging proclamation of the kerygma along with giving practical tips for being fully alive in faith.
  • Signs of Life will provide the speakers, input and music for a bespoke mission based on the needs and capabilities of the parish. 
  • Where appropriate we will partner with various diocesan, local networks, religious orders and apostolates. 

After the Mission

  • To be prepared to collect the information of new and existing parishioners who want to be more involved as a result of the mission.
  • To have ready to launch a post-mission group led by the mission team with all the resources and materials necessary to set-up, start and continue these groups long into the future so they become a fruitful place of encounter and where future leaders of the parish emerge and the disciplemaking process continues.

Want a SOL Mission in your parish?

If you would like to partner with us to host a Signs Of Life mission in your parish please complete the form below and we will be in touch shorty to begin your journey.